Pay With CashApp

HOW TO PAY WITH CASHAPP To send a payment

1) Open the Cash App

2) Transfer the funds (Order Amount) from your

bank to CashApp Balance

3) Then enter the amount

4) Tap Pay

5) Enter our SCashtag which will be communicated

to you.

7) Enter what the payment is for normal to keep

everything discreet you either leave the space

blank or put hospital bills

7) Tap Pay

Important Cash App Notice:

Cashapp Notice: We’ve had several complaints from clients who tried to make payment via Cashapp” Cashapp warns the tag might be related to a Scam. We contact Cash Support and we are still to get a response from them. But what were understood after several attempts was that it’s a new security option. Where Cashapp tries to warn clients when sending money above $50 to a cash tag which is not found in your contact list and you have never sent money to the person before is just to make sure you are sending it to the right right person.

Note: This is no red flag We just want to reassure our clients, when you see this please proceed. with the payment. we’ve had many calls about this and we decided to place it on our page so most of you can understand. Thank you.